The Wisconsin State AFL-CIO 29th Biennial Convention

August 29th and 30th, 2016

Aug. 29 and 30 in Madison

Madison Concourse Hotel, Madison, WI

Friday, August 26, 2016 03:23pm

Celebrating Unity at the 29th Biennial Convention

Delegates of the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO are gathering in Madison the week of August 28th for a two-day conference to democratically set the agenda of the state labor federation and strategize innovative ways to lead the Wisconsin labor movement into the future.

Delegates are hearing from a variety of thought and policy leaders, organizers and politicians, including Russ Feingold, U.S. Congressman Mark Pocan, Senator Jennifer Shilling, Representative Peter Barca, experts on international trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, water rights innovators, community organizers, economists, voting rights advocates and the national AFL-CIO’s Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler.

Follow #UnityWI on Twitter, Facebook and this site for updates and news!

The capitol building in Madison, Wisconsin
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